23 september 2016

Real techniques miracle diamond sponge / Review

Don't wait no longer for that perfect diamond ring from the man of your dreams, Real Techniques got you covered !

My holy moly grail is the Beauty blender, this will always my #1 sponge and there is not 1 sponge that can change this.

But some people just don't like to spend this amount of money on a sponge.. Which I get, €20 for a stupid sponge is insanely expensive, but it got me hooked, I'm whipped, addicted...

Real techniques already came out with a dupe for the beauty blender a while ago.
I'm not crazy about this one, but it's the second sponge that will do the job good enough for me. AND it's only €7.. So that's about €13 cheaper than the beauty blender..

Available : here.

Now.. Real techniques thought it was about time that they updated their bold collection because there was a crazy need for new quality make up sponges..

Behold. It's impossible that this didn't catch your eye if you are a make up lover. I had my doubts if it would be easy to work with, but I just had to purchase it, because it so - PWITTY - !!!! <3

Besides the shape of a diamond, it has marbles colors, and for those who know me, know that  I'm a sucker for marble prints.

For the price of €10 this beauty is yours, that's a lot cheaper than a real diamond, right ?

You can either use it dampen or dry, I prefer it dampen because it melts my foundation better into my skin.

The texture is very soft which makes the sponge " bouncy ".

The top is ment to apply your foundation, you have to bounce the product into your skin, not rub.

The sides should be perfect for smaller areas like your nostrils or under eye area.

With the pointy side you can apply concealer to any blemishes etc.

I adore this sponge, it's so chic, soft and pretty.

Unfortunately I can not work with it AT ALL, the pointy side was to weak for me to actually blend anything in, the top was to flat to fit around the shape on my face and the edges were to defined.

It just didn't work for me .. Fortunately this looks so pretty on my vanity haha.

For me it's a miss..
  • Do you have a better experience with this gorgeous sponge ? Let me know !

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4 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat jammer! Ik wilde 'm namelijk ook heel graag hebben maar nu ben ik aan het twijfelen :O Het is wel echt een beauty.

  2. Ach gewoon kopen, wat is 10€ meer of minder ? hahah, hij is wel super zacht, maar het is gewoon persoonlijke preference dat ik 'm niet handig werken vind :(

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